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 Títol  One Shot (ID: 7497)
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 eLink  ed2k://|file|franctirador.avi|648668032|CEF60BA2EE ...  
 Puntua  Vots: 0 | Puntuació:0.00 punts
 Detalls  Mida: 618.62 Mb | Format: ? | Historial eD2K
 Altres  Visualitzacions: 343 | Descàrregues: 139 | Comentaris: 0
 Enviat  Per rmasia el 07/06/2007
Franctiradors israelians / subtit. catal

Documental israelià sobre els franctiradors de l'exèrcit. Aquests són entrevistats. Aquest és un review del New York Times:

Documentary filmmaker Nurit Kedar was given unprecedented access to record the daily lives of some of the most dangerous men on Earth -- Israeli army sharpshooters who spend their working hours killing "suspected terrorists" in the occupied territories -- in this powerful and disturbing nonfiction exercise. In One Shot, snipers talk about their duties and how their assignments make them feel; many of the younger sharpshooters discuss the rush of exhilaration from hitting a human target and the excitement of playing God, while some of their older comrades complain of a lingering guilt over the consequences of their actions. Other shooters discuss the practicalities of life as a sniper, how they choose their targets, and how they dress for the assignment. The film also includes footage shot by Israeli snipers of themselves at work. One Shot was screened at the 2004 Human Rights Watch Film Festival in New York City. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide

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